's Mistake in Linking Desire with the Imaginary
As I said in my last post, I'm experimenting with talking to and ChatGPT about psychoanalysis.
Recently, I've been discussing jouissance, desire, and love with these LLMs.
I saw that formulated was desire as imaginary, jouissance as real, and love as a kind of symbolic limit on both of these.
This transformative power of love relates to what Lacan calls the "symbolic order." Love helps us navigate between pure desire (which operates in the imaginary register) and raw jouissance (which touches the Real). It provides a symbolic framework that gives new meaning to both our endless wanting (desire) and our experiences of excess (jouissance). [Emphasis mine]
I knew that saying desire is 100% imaginary is not correct, so I questioned this:

This shows why it is important not to take the content that AI produces as accurate, and why AI can be a useful tool if/when you're asking it stuff that you know a lot about.