In Pynchon: Collusion between tech companies, foreign governments and shadowy agencies crystallise

Summarizing the Pynchon novel Bleeding Edge, in a post titled "Down, Down, and Gone:" Gothic Cyberspace in Bleeding Edge, the blog The Wasted World writes:  

The novel’s protagonist is Maxine Tarnow, a recently divorced mother of two and fraud investigator, usually of the financial kind, who is drawn by an old friend into a whole other world of crime: cybercrime. In Pynchonian fashion, the novel quickly descends into conspiracy, as collusion between tech companies, foreign governments and shadowy agencies crystallise. As the plot becomes overrun with loose threads of state-sanctioned barbarism, business malpractice, and cybernetic control, the lines converge on the web as a locus for the traumas of late capitalism, and for the hopes for another digital world which precipitated and fell away at the turn of the century.

Here, again, is the mention of how corporate entities and governments combine their efforts to control people through technology.

People often write about how paranoia is a preoccupation of Pynchon's work, and it is. But what is interesting is how Pynchon's work shows that the rise in paranoia is not something that is happening just cuz. People are getting more paranoid because things are going the way they are.